Are You Transitioning Out Of

The Armed Services?

Are You Unsure About What To Do Next In Your Job Hunt?

The FREE Job Search Accelerator For Heroes Can Help

  • High Impact & Detailed 5 Module Program
  • Life Time Access To The Learning Portal
  • A Unique Combination of Expertise & Technology
  • Built By Over 30 International Experts
  • Over 5 hours Of On-Demand Video Training
  • 50 Structured Learning Sessions
  • A World Class Toolkit Of Guides, Templates & Checklists

The FREE Job Job Search Accelerator Program For Heroes Walks You Through A Proven Process Step By Step

Let International Job Search Coach And Founder of I Got Hired™ Simon Ward Lead You Day By Day, Step By Step, Through His Unique ‘Solution Sales Method’ For Job Hunting That Embeds Purpose, Pace & Precision Into Your Transition Journey

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Module 1 

  • Aligning your job hunt with ‘Civvy Street’
  • Establishing a professional job hunt 
  • Planning your campaign
  • Self-analysis & resilience
  • Role & employer analysis
  • Sales Messaging & Your Elevator Pitch
  • Setting targets

Module 2

  • CV Writing basics
  • Advanced CV skills
  • CV tailoring & targeting
  • Your Linkedin profile
  • Advanced Linkedin activity
  • Social Media  
  • Managing References & testimonials

Module 2

  • The Art Of Networking
  • The Secret Jobs Market
  • Recruiters : Friend Or Foe
  • Optimising Job Boards
  • Targeting Employers
  • Approaching Employers Direct  
  • The Perfect Application

Module 4

  • Understanding Assessment Processes
  • Evaluating Interview Types
  • Prepare Properly To Arrive
  • Prepare Professionally To Perform
  • Our Unique STARR answering technique
  • Asking questions & having impact
  • Taking control & following up

Module 5

  • Navigating the process to an offer
  • Assessing multiple offers
  • Negotiation : it’s not a must
  • Closing the deal
  • Optimising Your Exit
  • Preparing for your first day
  • Your ‘100 Day Plan’

These Guys 

Re-Engineered Their

Job Hunt With

The Job Search

Accelerator Program™

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This Is The Job Hunting Program To Lead You Out Of Transition Into A Successful Life in

Civi Street

Personal – Innovative - Smart

Built on the 200 years plus experience of the JobzLab™ team, and Simon’s exceptional, innovative and proven approach to job hunting The Job Search Accelerator For Heroes optimizes the best of modern technology and personal coaching to walk you step by step from the first day of your job hunt to 100 days into your great new role

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Competitive Job Hunting Today Isn’t Just

About Your CV And Your Interview Technique

You Have To Be Smarter Than That

You Have To Follow A Detailed & Proven Process

Step By Step

There is just NO other program that walks you step by step, task by task, through these FIVE stages and 18 Steps that will will walk you through transition to a successful career in Civi Street
Video Training

Detailed, topic specific training throughout the program you can consume at your convenience

Development Toolkits

The UP toolkits of guides, templates & checklists  help you make the most of the program


Detailed, professional workbooks – the perfect addition to great training & coaching

Live Q&A Sessions

Let’s get personal. The chance to get expert answers to those really tough questions

Podcast / MP3

The easiest way to consume expertise ‘on the go’. Great subject matter & great guests

Guest Speakers

We’re good but we don’t know everything, so we bring you the very best as guests!


Really digging in to ’the big’ topics and challenges.  Easy to get involved and play a part


Detailed To-Do Lists to Make Sure You Never Miss a trick & Work With Pace, Purpose & Precision

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Module One

Prepare For Success

The ‘Prepare For Success’ Module sets you off on the right path from day one & helps you build the solid & informed foundation that your job hunt needs by helping you:

  • Set up the perfect job hunt environment
  • Evaluate your personal & financial circumstances
  • Understand exactly what you want & need from your new role
  • Define your job hunt campaign plan with clear & measurable targets
  • Implement the proven JobzLab™ job hunt methodology – ‘Pentagon™’

‘Prepare For Success’ also introduces you to ‘The 12 Habits of Success’; the key activities & behaviors that set you apart from your competition.

Module Two

Your Sales Toolkit

The ‘Your Sales Toolkit’ Module gives you all the advice, know-how, checklists & templates you need to create a perfect toolkit for your job hunt, including:

  • A full package of tailored agency & employer resumes & CVs
  • Cover letters that will get you noticed
  • A hard hitting ‘elevator pitch’ to drive home your key sales messages
  • Document packs of references, testimonials & qualifications
  • A Social Media profile that supports, not scuppers, your job hunt

The ‘Your Sales Toolkit’ Module takes you beyond just developing great resumes & cover letters & teaches you how to project a winning personal brand in everything you do, say & write.


“I’d never heard anything like Simon’s ‘Solution’ approach – it changed how I wrote my CVs, how I approached opportunities and how I interviewed – it was revolutionary for me”

IT Support Manager
Manchester - UK

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Module Three

The Jobs Jungle

‘The Jobs Jungle’ Module guides you through the complex world of the job market giving you the know-how to create a plan that covers all the bases helping you to:

  • Devise a ‘Channel Strategy’ specific to the needs of your job hunt
  • Become an expert at identifying & evaluating opportunities
  • Manage agencies, recruiters, job boards & personal networks like a pro
  • Sell yourself directly to carefully targeted employers
  • Make perfect professional applications & convert them to interviews

Understanding exactly where & how to find the best opportunities & then making the most of them is at the heart of your job hunt.‘The Jobs Jungle’ makes it easy.

Module Four

The Perfect Interview

‘The Perfect Interview’ Module gives you everything you could possibly need to prepare & perform perfectly not only in traditional interviews but in all assessment events. The comprehensive content in ‘The Perfect Interview’….:

  • Helps you understand all the stages of the assessment process
  • Gives you a framework to assess the type of interview you are facing
  • Provides tools & checklists to get your preparation spot on
  • Outlines advanced answering techniques to use in all types of interview
  • Walks you through the challenges of all testing techniques

The Perfect Interview Module comprehensively defines the structure, content & purpose of all interview & assessment center events providing the tricks of the trade to take control & ‘close’ your interview.

Module Five

Closing The Deal 

The ‘Closing The Deal’ Module takes you from the day you get your offer to 100 days into that perfect new job, making sure you get the best deal, the best prep & the best possible start. Learn how to:

  • Make the right decisions & negotiate the best deal
  • Manage the all important referencing & screening process like a ‘Pro’
  • Prepare to walk into your new job with confidence & professionalism
  • The importance of your Employer Brand & how to build a great one
  • Plan for your first 100 days & beyond

So you’ve done the ‘hard work’; you’ve found the ideal role, applied professionally & performed perfectly in your interview & you’ve got the offer – now ‘close the deal’ & get started.

The ‘Critical Path’ Super Accelerator
For Job Hunters In A Hurry

This program has been built with the single minded focus on accelerating your journey to that perfect role. However, we recognise that the pathway for a world class 2020 job hunt is comprehensive and detailed and some of our students ‘just want to get on with it’!

If you are a ‘job hunter in a hurry’ you have the option to just focus on the Critical Path and move more quickly through the program.

You can always supplement your experience with other sessions as and when you have time or they become ‘essential learning’ for you.

Turbo Charge Your Job Hunt Today - Get Instant Access Right Now

“The content is fantastic but for me it was the power and detail of the process. It was like having a personal career coach in my pocket all the time.

I always knew what I was doing, how I was meant to do well and what I had to do next”

Payroll Clerk
Oxford - UK

What We Say Isn’t Important - It’s What Our Members Say That Matters

“Before COVID I’d already been laid of twice in the last 5 years and thought there was nothing new in job hunting ..... until I found The Job Search Accelerator”

David Peters

"The Accelerator Program is just so simple & straight forward to follow - professional, clear, concise & practical advice delivered to my inbox every day - fantastic!"

Karen Williams

"I committed about 2 hours a day to the program and it is the best time I’ve ever spent. I ran a job hunt I was proud of and have a great job now."

Suzie McAlpine

This Program Works With Every Sector & Every Skill Set Whatever the Role, Level or Seniority

But You have To Be The Right Type Of Job Hunter To Make It work

This Program Works For You If...

If you accept there must be a better way to beat todays job’s market challenge

You know its insane to do the same old stuff and expect a different result

You recognize that you don’t know everything and that you need daily support & guidance to do your best

This Program Doesn't Work For You If...

You don’t recognize how tough the jobs market can be today

You believe that having been in the army will be enough to impress employers

You believe that job hunting is simple, you’ve just been a little unlucky so far but you don’t need help, you’ll sort it!

If You recognize Yourself In the Right Hand Column
We’re Sure You’ll Be Fine on Your Own!!

What We Say Isn’t Important - It’s What Our Members Say That Matters

"The interview tips in The Job Search Accelerator Program™ not only improved how I performed at interviews but also taught me how to follow up & secure the offer. I now work for a global corporate in a challenging, rewarding & fun roll."

Sonia Beritzo

"At last, a Job hunting program that walked me right through my job search from day one until I actually started in my new job. Brilliant! It is so simple to follow and the advice and guidance is just straight forward and practical."

Uzhair Katawhala

"Over the years I have used a number of resume writing guides & books on how to prepare for an interview, but after The Job Search Accelerator Program™ I just won’t need anything else. The program all fits together so easily & makes perfect sense. The free Action Lists were particularly useful."

Alex Easter

"The Job Search Accelerator Program™ just does the job; it’s as simple as that. I takes you by the hand, leads you through the jobs market & supports you every step of the way through your job search. The five workbooks join up seamlessly and you always know what to do next and how to do it."

Rob Johnson

"I had not been able to secure a job for nearly two years. I followed The Job Search Accelerator Program™ job application process & was offered 3 jobs in just over 5 weeks! The Program is really easy to follow and the illustrations, checklists and homework topics kept me on track."

Francesca Waltham

"Thank you The Job Search Accelerator Program™. I’m a typically disorganised bloke but I Got Hired™ put me in control of my job search. I knew where everything was & what I needed to do next from researching employers to resume writing & making a job application. I got a job in two months."

Dave Milton

The COMPLETELY FREE Job Hunting Program Built Specifically For Members Of The British Armed Forces


"I would like to register my interest in The Job Search Accelerator For Heroes and would like to receive updates, job hunting tips and free resources."
Our 1st Program Starts Monday, 10th January 2022


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