8 Job Search Secrets You Need To Know Now

When it comes to searching for a job, it can overwhelm your entire life – at least it feels like it. You put in all these hours crafting an awesome resume, more hours seeking out job openings that interest you (and some that really don’t), and after multiple follow up calls you feel like you’ve accomplished something. Yet, after failed interviews, or no interviews at all, you feel like you’ve just lost a life in the game of job seeking and are back at the first level all over again. Frustrated, you’re ready to throw that computer and your resume out the window.

Before you do that, we want to let you in on a few secrets that will help curb that frustration. Here are 8 job search secrets that you need to know now:

Secret #1: 80% of job openings are never even posted online.

What?! 80%! Surely we’re joking right? Nope. Believe it or not, but the vast majority of job postings that you are scouring through are only the tip of the iceberg. Most of the...

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Liar, Liar Pants On Fire

Breaking The Number One Rule Of Interviewing

Most interviews, particularly those involving selection, witness three interesting psychological and moral phenomena. Self-deception, impression management, and downright porkies. And who tells them? Both inquisitor and applicant: job seller and job buyer. Telling lies during an interview is not only an issue for interviewers.

A selection interview is somewhere between a charade--a hall of mirrors and Aldwich theatrical.  Usually the cast is well rehearsed and the lines delivered faultlessly or melodramatically.  In fact both sides maybe so involved in being word-perfect they have little left to detect the probity of the other.

Problem number one is self-deception.  Technically these are untruths told by people who do not know them as such.  Most of us know others who genuinely think they have a sense of humour.  We know, as do practically all their colleagues and family that they are mistaken.  But...

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